Isaiah Chapter 41:13 was a favorite verse of a woman who was a strong Christian and had known God for many years. I was a part of a ladies’ Bible study in Michigan. She lived in Florida, and was a close friend of our study leader.
Her name was Jean. She offered to pray for each woman in our study, and she did it faithfully. I never met her, but she prayed for me for years. She sent me a card years ago that I’ve kept and reread. She included this verse, saying it was “so precious to me.”
Isaiah Chapter 41, verse 13 says: “For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” [NIV Bible]
God is speaking directly to you in this verse. He is saying, “I am the One True God. I have the power and authority to help you. I can give you the strength you don’t have. I can build you up on the inside.”
God takes hold of our hands and tells us not to fear! How can we not fear? This life is so full of uncertainty. Loss is imminent, where can security be found? God is the ONLY answer.
Alone, we are vulnerable. We can rally and think positive thoughts and muster all our strength, but when we come to the end of ourselves, God is there, and He says, “Do not fear, I will help you.”
We can DARE to reject fear because God is strong when we are weak, He will get us through. We will cope and heal while He holds us by the hand!