We take pride in being independent, making our own decisions, using our own resources to help ourselves. We are quite happy not to ask anyone for help.
Independence is not only highly valued, it’s required! It goes without saying that we should exhaust all of our options before asking a favor.
God wants us to depend on Him. He doesn’t want us to do our very best alone first, and then come to Him for what we can’t do. He wants to be there with us from the beginning, so that He can guide, strengthen and help us.
In Proverbs, Chapter 3, verses 5-6, it says: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. {NIV Bible]
In order to depend on someone, you have to be able to trust them first. When you trust someone, you believe they will do you good. You don’t have to do the things people do when they don’t trust someone–be suspicious, worry that they’ll be hurt, and fear betrayal.
People can be trustworthy, but God is always trustworthy.
In John Chapter 14, verse 1, Jesus says, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in Me.” [NIV Bible]
Isaiah Chapter 26, verse 3-4, it says: You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal. [NIV Bible]
I know I can depend on God, because He shows His presence in my life on a regular basis. He counsels me through the Bible. He guides me and warns me. He helps me cope with the deep sadness and regret I struggle with. He is always with me, seeing everything and still loving me.
If you commit to believing in God, reading the Bible, and praying to Him, God will show Himself to you more and more. He will bring change with Him. He will strengthen you. You’ll handle adversity better, because God will be with you, backing you up. You’ll feel more confident about the future, knowing you have someone to turn to, someone to talk to, and someone who understands you.
Who is better to guide you? Who is always reliable, always trustworthy, and always there?
No one, except God.