God truly does want to be involved in all of the details of our lives. He cares about everything that concerns us. I didn’t work out today, but God did offer me some much-needed encouragement and guidance.
I was cleaning up my son’s room when I saw an unflattering view of my upper arms in the mirror. My first thought was that I hadn’t worked out all week. I always give myself leeway about exercise around Christmas because it is very difficult to fit into the already (very) long to-do list.
While I was thinking about how I would start exercising again regularly next week, God spoke to me. He pointed out that I kept going back to my workouts even after having repeated injuries and health trouble this year. I was busy accusing myself of weakness in my mind, and God diffused that by showing me how I kept on trying, and I didn’t give up.
I’m not at my goal weight. I have cellulite on my upper arms. 🙂 And I didn’t work out this week. But I know that I am loved and cared for by the Lord. He showed me mercy when I felt disappointed with myself. Instead of missed workouts, He turned my thoughts to how I keep beginning again. God was there for me, right when I needed Him.