God is so powerful and so strong that He can do what we think is impossible. Not just what is impossible for us to do, but impossible for anyone to do. The threat of nuclear war has been with us for generations. Around the world, it is known and feared. This specter of widespread death […]
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
We live our lives alongside other people and in their presence. Friends, co-workers, strangers, neighbors, family. We also live on our own. In our minds, in what only we know. The thoughts we don’t voice. The parts of us that are hidden, intensely personal. Who we are. God sees inside of us. All that no […]
Sometimes things happen that we just can’t change
Posted: 30th May 2017 by accepted in UncategorizedSometimes things happen that we just can’t change. This is an obvious statement. But that doesn’t make it less true. When something really bad happens in your life, it changes you. It changes your history and your experience. You can stuff it down or let it out. You can do both. You can remember it […]
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” Revelation 22:12-13
Posted: 16th April 2017 by accepted in Music, UncategorizedIn John, Chapter 10, verses 11-15, Jesus says, “I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd who owns the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and […]
Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person, someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. [NIV Bible]
Posted: 13th April 2017 by accepted in UncategorizedJesus was willingly crucified. He submitted to His captors, even though He was well able to stop them from killing Him. Jesus did what only He could do. He came into the world as a human being and also as God on a mission that only God could carry out. In Philippians Chapter 2, verses 4-8, Paul […]
God will give you the freedom to see beyond death
Posted: 5th April 2017 by accepted in UncategorizedPeople speak of heaven as a “better place” where people go when they die. The idea of heaven is used to cushion the blow of death. Our lives after this one are uncertain and unknown. It’s difficult to imagine not fearing death. It’s revolutionary, even. God is revolutionary. Only the One True God is able […]
So many times, we don’t come to God until we have to. Not only is there no shame in this, God will welcome you with open arms! He knows that we try everything we can to cope, to change a situation, and fix whatever is wrong. But when we face something we just can’t bear, […]
God calls every one of us to look past this life. Even if we lived to be 100, what is 100 years compared to eternity? It’s so hard to see past the life we are living now. We know it will end, and the last thing anyone wants to think about is dying! But when […]
Once again, I find myself sorry that I have been away so long from this blog. I regret not posting, because I know that there are people who come here who really need God in their lives. We all do. I am in a time of emotional turmoil. I am wounded in a way I […]
“Speak the Word!” is a duet by husband and wife duo Teddy and Tina Campbell. Tina Campbell is well known as one half of the gospel group “Mary Mary.” This song is a favorite of mine because it is upbeat (I love to dance!) and it makes me feel better when I listen to it! […]